Sweat Equity Form

Chaparral Pines Community Association documents all efforts being made to “Firewise” Chaparral Pines. To help the Firewise Committee reach its annual goals, including hours needed to renew our Firewise Community Certification; we would appreciate your filling out the following information. The Association also applies for grant money, when available, to educate our community and assist with hazardous fuel removal from our area. Grants require that we generate matching funds through related expenses and record what individual property owners have expended. You can help both endeavors by recording the time and expenses you have spent on your property to provide defensible space around your home.

Record your personal time, by filling out the following:

  • pruning and clearing of brush and debris

  • travel to brush pits

  • meetings with contractors.

You may also record your personal expenses. This includes:

  • equipment rental

  • contractual services

  • construction

  • supplies

  • dump fees