Chaparral Pines Community,
This is a second notice to the community with respect to the use by the "Chaparral Pines Homeowners Group" (CPH Group) of the "chaphoa" name.
In our first notice to the community on Friday, August 30, we informed you of the following: (1) CPH Group is not affiliated with your Chaparral Pines HomeOwners Association (HOA), (2) the use by CPH Group of the "chaphoa" name creates confusion among members of the community, and creates the false impression that CPH Group is tied to the HOA, which is not the case, and (3) the HOA board reached out to CPH Group and requested that they cease using the "chaphoa" name and they did not agree to cease using the name.
Following our prior notice to the community, we understand that CPH Group is continuing to circulate correspondence to certain members of the community using the "chaphoa" name. In particular, and without limitation, we understand that CPH Group recently sent an email using the "chaphoa" name to certain members of the community with the subject title "GET INFORMED BEFORE YOU PLACE YOUR VOTE". That email is a highly partisan electioneering email, which contains numerous false and materially misleading statements. Although CPH Group added a disclaimer to the email, having emails that continue to use the name "chaphoa" may create an impression that your HOA board has approved of or consented to the email and to the numerous false and misleading statements therein. That is absolutely not the case. To be clear, your HOA board (1) does not approve of the "GET INFORMED BEFORE YOU PLACE YOUR VOTE" email circulated by the CPH Group, (2) does not approve of or agree with the numerous false and misleading statements therein, and (3) does not approve of such statements being circulated to the community using the "chaphoa" name.
Chaparral Pines HomeOwners Association Board of Directors
Chaparral Pines Community,
There is a group in our community who call themselves the "Chaparral Pines Homeowners Group", and they are using the email address of “”. Please be advised that this group is not affiliated with, or sanctioned by, your Chaparral Pines Homeowners Association (HOA) or the Chaparral Pines HOA Board. Also be advised that any activities and events sponsored by this group are not affiliated with, or sanctioned by, your HOA or HOA Board. In particular, such activities and events include the September 1 Potluck in the Pines and the September 7 candidate forum being held at Tiny's, neither of which is affiliated with, or sanctioned by, the HOA.
We wanted to alert the community that the use by this group of the email address "" has caused confusion among some members of the community. The use of this email address creates the false impression that this group is tied to the HOA. That is not the case. To be clear, even though this group is using an email address that includes a reference to "chaphoa", this group is not affiliated with your HOA and it does not represent or speak for your HOA. We reached out to this group and requested that they cease using the "" name, but they would not agree to cease using the name.
Members of the community have or will receive online voting correspondence from Other email correspondence from your HOA will come from Ogden and Company (
At this time, the only Board of Directors election candidate event sponsored by your HOA is the candidate forum scheduled for 2-4 pm on Thursday, September 5, 2024. Information regarding that candidate forum is included in the voting materials that were sent out today by Ogden on behalf of your HOA. We encourage all members to attend that forum, either in person or via Zoom, for the opportunity to meet each of the candidates.
Chaparral Pines Homeowners Association Board of Directors
CP Forensic Audit Committee Update as of June 10, 2023:
Since its formation on May 17, the committee has been at work interviewing and selecting a third committee member, drafting the scope of the audit and drafting a Request for Proposal and other pertinent documents. The committee has identified several qualified forensic auditing firms. The RFP is expected to be sent to the firms the week of June 12 with proposals due from them by June 20. The firm selected by the committee will then be submitted to the board for approval. If all goes well, the auditing firm should be engaged by June 30. When the work begins will depend on the firm's schedule. The committee is aware that time is of the essence.
Dear Chaparral Pines Homeowners,
Please be advised that the contract for the landscape maintenance services between Sculptured Earth Resources (SER) and Chaparral Pines Community Association has been terminated with 30- day notification effective June 26, 2023. SER will continue to provide its contracted service during this 30-day period.
CPCA Board of Directors
Update on Association Manager
Dear Members,
After careful consideration and review of the current circumstances, it has been determined that the best decision for the community and Melissa Glinzak is for Ogden to assign her to another account.
Ogden will present their updated management plan next week. We ask for your patience while Ogden begins their search for a new manager. In the meantime, Ogden will provide the necessary services to ensure that operations run as smoothly as possible during this time.
CPCA Board of Directors
A Second Legal Opinion
Important Questions & Answers
Please be advised that there are several homeowners participating in a Facebook page called the Chaparral Pines Homeowners Group. This group has NO affiliation with the Chaparral Pines Homeowners Association and does not represent ALL 809 owners of Chaparral Pines or their views (as has been claimed). As an owner, only you have granted your elected Board of Directors the authority to speak on your behalf. While this Facebook page currently numbers approximately 350 followers, it is believed that the number of active participants is a small fraction of that total. Many of you may remember a similar group which opposed the construction of the fence surrounding Chaparral Pines several years ago. This project resulted in a significant reduction in ongoing damage to the golf course and members; residences (trees/gardens) as well as a more safe, secure community.
It has also come to our attention that this Facebook group has downloaded owners’ personal emails from the Golf Club at Chaparral Pines Private Member portal without the approval of the Golf Club and is using it to spread its own interpretation of the CC&Rs. Therefore, to provide accurate information regarding the many questions posed at the recent BOD meeting and also dispel the disinformation currently being presented to the community by the Facebook group, we have constructed this fact-based Clarification Points page for your review. This page represents a living document that will be the area where questions and answers are updated on an ongoing basis from the feedback we receive from the community. Please email your questions to
Thank you for your support.
Tom Slonaker, Board President, Chaparral Pines Community Association, Inc.
Email Addresses:
The Association does not release personal information about our owners, without their approval. This includes email addresses and phone numbers.
Independent Second Legal Opinion:
Engagement letter requests have been sent to three law firms so the Board can consider what each firm can offer and choose the best firm for a second legal opinion on the following topics:
The legal relationship between CPCA and the Golf Club at Chaparral Pines, including the Chaparral Pines golf course and its related facilities.
Legal opinion regarding if and how negotiation on additional cost sharing could be accomplished based on the CC&Rs. Specifically, what CC&R clauses could be addressed and how.
Provide an interpretation of any legal leverage/negotiating power provided to the CPCA through the governing documents and case law that would allow CPCA to enforce the sharing of its operating costs with the Golf Club at Chaparral Pines.
Necessary steps to amend the CC&R’s (within governing documents and current laws).
Update on Community Building:
The previously proposed Community building has been put on hold. If in the future a request for a community building is once again made, a needs assessment survey will be sent out to all the owners in the community before any action is taken.
Connectivity for Board Meetings:
Arizona Wiring will be meeting with a member of the Board and a member of Arcis to review upgrading the internet available at the Trailhead as many owners do not want to have to go off site for the Board meetings (as has been suggested). This would be a cooperative effort between the Golf Club and the Association.
Frequency of Board Meetings:
It was suggested at the last Board meeting that the Board meet more often than the quarterly that is mandated in the CC&R’s. The Board is considering having meetings every six weeks, or as necessary to discuss any further information, but no less than quarterly.
Update on Pine Island:
Survey results were emailed to all owners in Pine Island. 72% of the owners responded to the survey.
Jonnie Geen and Charles Jackson (Pine Island owners) met with Board members and representatives from a water feature installation/maintenance company to review the ponds and discuss the future possibilities. The Board is looking for more companies to review the ponds and provide their suggestions and costs, so that options can be presented to the Pine Island residents.
The area of concern regarding the installation of rocks that was raised at the January 13, 2023 Board meeting was reviewed. The area is a large natural drainage area and the rip rap was installed to slow down the water and collect silt prior to it going into the golf course retention pond on hole 10. This is due to the amount of silt that was previously carried through this drainage area, especially during monsoon seasons, into the golf course retention pond on hole 10, which created a silt peninsula and covered over the water intake pipe to the Pine Island ponds. This directly impacted pond water flow leading to the current condition of the ponds.
Update as of 2/24/23:
A scope of work was developed and sent out to two different pond development/maintenance companies to establish costs associated with keeping the ponds and making them viable. The main focus of the scope of work was for them to review the current status of the ponds and create key options to remedy (repair the current ponds) and also create a sustainable maintenance program for the future.
Jon Hansen with Desert Springs Water Features, LLC met with Thom Blischok, Vicki Chittick, Jonnie Geen, Charles Jackson, Melissa Glinzak and Sarah Valenzuela on January 27, 2023 to collect information on the ponds to develop suggestions and costs associated with those suggestions. The proposal is still being developed.
Jon Evans with Solitude Lake Management met with Thom Blischok, Roger Baker, Vicki Chittick and Sarah Valenzuela on February 3, 2023 to also review the ponds, collect information, and develop ideas and costs associated with keeping the ponds. The proposal is still being developed.
Information still needs to be collected in regards to changing the ponds to landscape features.
This is all being done to provide ample information to the owners in Pine Island to make an informed and qualified decision regarding the future of the ponds. A meeting will be held once all the information is collected.
Integra Building:
The building that is on-site is not on, nor has ever been on, HOA property (whether individual residential lots or common area). It is normal for a planned community to have a sales office on property for a number of reasons. For Chaparral Pines, the sales office (no matter what Real Estate entity is in or owns the building) offers value to the community, in line with the Development Agreement approved by the Town of Payson at the inception of Chaparral Pines. The on-site sales office allows for safety and security to be upheld while still allowing potential buyers the ability to visit properties that are for sale. Without an on-site sales office, the Association would have to either: a) allow anyone access to view properties for sale (which is not currently allowed) or b) potential buyers would be turned away and told they had to go back into town to find a realtor.
Conflict of Interest:
A question has been raised whether board member Roger Baker has a conflict of interest serving on the ARC, and also being an independent contractor realtor working for Integra. The controlling law is found in the Arizona planned community statutes, which provides:
33-1811. Board of directors; contracts; conflict
If any contract, decision or other action for compensation taken by or on behalf of the board of directors would benefit any member of the board of directors or any person who is a parent, grandparent, spouse, child or sibling of a member of the board of directors or a parent or spouse of any of those persons, that member of the board of directors shall declare a conflict of interest for that issue. The member shall declare the conflict in an open meeting of the board before the board discusses or takes action on that issue and that member may then vote on that issue. Any contract entered into in violation of this section is void and unenforceable.
Mr. Baker’s job as a realtor for Integra would only be considered a conflict if the board was voting on any contract or transaction for compensation by which Mr. Baker would directly financially benefit. Even if it were a conflict, the applicable statute permits Mr. Baker to fully participate and vote on any such matters after the conflict is disclosed, to the extent it is unknown, to any other directors (for committee member) making decisions and voting. Mr. Baker sits on the ARC, as state law requires that a Board member be the chair of the Architectural Review Committee. It has been raised that Integra also brings new builds (construction) through the ARC for their review and/or approval. Integra Builders is a separate entity from Integra Rim Country Real Estate, thus there would be no conflict of interest, nor were there any contracts or decisions made by the ARC that were for compensation.
The Difference Between the HOA and the Club:
New owners don’t often realize that the Association (HOA) and the Golf Club (Club) are two different entities, and have separate responsibilities.
Chaparral Pines Community Association / Homeowners Association
Operated by Chaparral Pines HOA Board of Directors.
Members include all Chaparral Pines property owners.
The HOA is responsible for the roads, the common area landscaping (along the roads, in the medians, and open areas throughout the community), hiking trails, 24-7 security, perimeter fence, gates and gate access, ensuring owner compliance with the governing documents.
Your dues to this organization are billed quarterly.
Website – (note the “hoa” part of the website address)
Most information is available without needing to sign-in
Home – HOA Mission Statement and Office Hours
HOA Newsletter
Guest Registration for Security
Security information
Bulletin Board
Hiking Trails information
CC&Rs, Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, and Consolidated Rules
Board of Directors and Committees
Architectural Review Committee Forms and Residential Design Standards
RFID Tag Registration for Vehicles
Emergency Evacuation Form
Evacuation Plan
Pet Registration Form
Grab the Can Program
Special (home) Watch Program
Sweat Equity Form
Firewise Evaluation Permission Form
Firewise Evaluation Form
Property Line Identification Help
Association Management
Contact Information
Personal HOA account information (accessible on website):
1. Click “Your HOA Account Info”
Click the “Take me to my account” area at the bottom of the next page.
Click “LOGIN” in the upper right corner.
Contact the Association Office (928-472-9068) or email, if you need user id and password assistance.
The Golf Club at Chaparral Pines as opposed to the Association
Privately owned and operated by Arcis LLC.
Every HOA owner is automatically a Trailhead member of the Golf Club at Chaparral Pines. Owners may purchase an additional golf membership. There are also additional memberships held by non-property owners.
Arcis LLC owns and manages the golf course (includes course, cart paths, bathrooms), clubhouse (includes dining facility, locker rooms, pro shop, cart barn), the Trailhead facilities (includes fitness center, dog park, tennis courts, playground, basketball courts, swimming pool, hot tub, and multiuse field), and maintenance yard and retention ponds.
The Golf Club Website –
Public information is available without needing to login to your Arcis account
Lifestyle videos and club photographs
Club information
Membership information
Club Life
Golf information and events
Dining and Social information and events
Athletics information and events
Contact information
2. Member account information is accessed by a separate member Login to the Arcis Portal
Click LOGIN in the upper right corner
Contact Arcis Administration (928-472-1430) if you need user id and password assistance.