The Form below is for your Pet Registration
Pet Registration Form
It is the policy of the Town of Payson and of Chaparral Pines Community Association that all animals be licensed and vaccinated. In effort to comply with state ordinances and to protect our animals, we have committed to achieving registration of all our residents' pets. Therefore, please complete the following form to register your pets with the Association.
To protect and identify those pets in Chaparral Pines, the Association will be providing identification tags (free of charge) for all registered pets of our community. The registration will be valid for two years and renewable with Town of Payson license information. The tag will identify your pet as a Chaparral Pines Pet (CPP) with their own registration number. The number will coincide with your information and you will be contacted in the event that your pet is found. If you leave town, please ensure you provide your pet sitters phone number.
Animal Control Policy
1. Pets allowed: A reasonable number of household pets are allowed in a Dwelling Unit. No animals, including pigs, hogs, donkeys, swine, poultry, wild animals, horses, cattle, sheep, goats or any other type of animal not considered to be a domestic household pet within the ordinary meaning and interpretation, may be kept on Property.
2. Animals at Large: No domestic household pet shall be allowed to run at large. Animals are required to wear a physical leash any time they are out of their yard. Electronic leashes will not be allowed in Chaparral Pines. All leashes used must allow the owner to physically restrain the animal if necessary. Any animals found running loose through the Association may be removed from Property via Town of Payson Animal Control.
3. Objectionable Noise: Incessant whining, growling, barking, or any other noise that may disturb owners of other Units shall be considered an objectionable noise and may be considered a violation of this Policy.
4. Breeding of Animals: No breeding of any animals for commercial purposes will be allowed on Property.
5. Endangering the Health or Safety of Residents, Members or Guests: Animals are required to be registered, licensed and inoculated per Town of Payson requirements. Town of Payson Police Department will be notified of any incident regarding any animal harassing or causing injury to a resident, member or guest or any other domestic animals in the Association.
6. Constituting a Nuisance or Inconvenience to the Occupants of other Units: Any animal that causes damage to another unit; disrupts or disturbs neighboring animals; makes occupants uncomfortable when using common areas; is continuously noisy or uncontrollable; is in any way putting off noxious odors that disturb neighboring Units; or is in any other way a nuisance or inconvenience to occupants of other Units as decided by the Board, may be in violation of this Policy.
7. Enclosures: Any structure built to hold household animals outside must be screened from the view of neighboring units and common areas by landscaping or natural vegetation. Any structure must comply with the Chaparral Pines Design Standards. No structure may be over 500 square feet in size, and no more than 5' tall. Any enclosure must be kept clean, sanitary and reasonably free of refuse, insects and waste at all times.
8. Enforcement: The Association is authorized to enforce this Policy, and, if necessary, take action against individual homeowners to remedy violations:
Dog off leash — Written warning, $25 fine (2nd offense), $100 (subsequent offense)
Dog Bite — No written warning, up to $500 fine, must pay all medical bills, possible action by Town of Payson Animal Control
Failure to Clean Up After Your Pet — Written warning, $100 fine (2" offense), $250 fine (subsequent offense)
Barking Dog (Incessant) — Written warning, $100 fine (2nd offense), $250 fine (subsequent offense)